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BusinessTimes Is published by BusinessTimes Inc., news publishing since 2024.
BusinessTimes is steadfast in its dedication to impartiality, amplifying a multitude of voices and perspectives. Committed to comprehending the complexities of our global community, we offer an unbiased platform that values a neutral stance across diverse ethnicities, social dynamics, and political beliefs. In an ever-expanding world, BusinessTimes not only recognizes but emphasizes the imperative need for an inclusive media outlet. We firmly believe that promoting understanding and integration is indispensable for a thriving society. Whether you're actively engaged in the community or not, we invite you to BusinessTimes to explore the issues that genuinely matter to our readers.
Guided by core values of truth and freedom, our editorial focus is on delivering unbiased facts, allowing readers to make informed decisions. We stand firm in not compromising or hiding facts, dedicated to providing uncompromising journalism.
BusinessTimes transcends traditional online news, serving as a hub for information and data on topics that matter. Our content spans various platforms, ensuring accessibility to audiences of all ages, with diverse delivery and tone, all while maintaining accuracy and veracity.
Welcome to BusinessTimes!
Editorial standards
Editorial standards are at the core of BusinessTimes's business philosophy. BusinessTimes is committed to treating its readers fairly and giving them the best possible information on the news we cover – or the best we can learn about it, with our reporters and editors performing a high level of due diligence on the credibility of our sources. The same due diligence is applied when reporting on news that originates on social media.
We are also upfront with our readers about what we do not know, or what is generally unknown, when reporting a piece of news.
We believe in providing the opportunity for full and fair comment for all parties involved in an article, and having a neutral tone in our published work. There is no agenda for us, other than an unwavering commitment to seeking, and reporting, the truth.
At BusinessTimes, we understand that safeguarding individual rights may, at times, clash with the public's right to information. Consequently, we face the challenge of making tough and oftentimes sensitive decisions that cannot always be perfect. But our editorial processes ensure that the lessons from those mistakes, whether our own or those of other sectors of the media industry, are cascaded across our various newsrooms to give our editorial staff the best opportunity to learn from them. The editorial leadership, where deemed necessary, makes changes to internal processes to avoid such incidents.
Corrections Policy
When we make mistakes, it is our policy to correct our errors, large and small, as soon as we become aware of them — in text, picture captions and videos. We will note the corrections clearly on the story by adding a trash line and a time stamp. Headlines & Global News takes complaints about editorial content seriously. If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, please contact the editorial team. You can email: info@btin.co.in
Generative AI Policy
Currently, BusinessTimes does not use or employ generative AI tools of any kind in the writing, research, editing, or any other integral aspects of the publishing process. Likewise, BusinessTimes will refrain from publishing AI-generated images, whether they be video or still pictures, that closely resemble real-life, unless an AI-generated image is itself the focus of a news story on its use or creation.