(Photo : BTIN)
A report by CEO Score revealed that 334 of the top 500 companies by sales in South Korea achieved combined net profits of 59.4 trillion won ($43.6 billion) between April and June, representing a 107.1% increase from 28.7 trillion won the previous year.
  • EET Fuels advances to the FEED stage of its Hydrogen Fuel Switching project, aiming to transform the Stanlow Refinery into a low carbon process refinery.
  • Wood, a global leader in consulting and engineering, is enlisted to oversee the final designs of the fuel system and redesign the core infrastructure.
  • The project will enable fuel switching to assets like EET Fuels' hydrogen-ready crude distiller furnace, reducing emissions at the Stanlow Refinery by 0.2 million tonnes per year.
  • The Hydrogen Fuel Switching project is a significant step towards a greener future, demonstrating the potential of hydrogen as a viable, low-carbon alternative to traditional fuels.

EET Fuels, the trading name of Essar Oil UK, has made a significant stride towards a greener future by advancing to the front-end engineering design (FEED) stage of its Hydrogen Fuel Switching project. This project, set to revolutionize the energy sector, is part of the company's ambitious plan to transform the Stanlow Refinery into the world's leading low carbon process refinery. The Hydrogen Fuel Switching project is a pioneering initiative that aims to replace traditional fuel sources with hydrogen in the refinery's operations. The hydrogen will be supplied by EET Hydrogen, a subsidiary of EET Fuels, dedicated to the production of low carbon hydrogen.

EET Fuels Partners with Wood for Project Execution

To facilitate this groundbreaking project, EET Fuels has enlisted the expertise of Wood, a global leader in consulting and engineering. Wood's role will be to oversee the final designs of the fuel system that will feed into the company's hydrogen-ready crude distiller furnace. In addition, Wood will also be responsible for redesigning the core infrastructure and control systems to ensure the efficient and safe combustion of hydrogen. The completion of the FEED stage is a critical milestone in the project's timeline. It will provide EET Fuels with the necessary data and insights to make a final investment decision (FID) on the hydrogen fuel switching project in the coming year.

Hydrogen Fuel Switching Project: A Step Towards Sustainability

The Hydrogen Fuel Switching project is not just a technological innovation; it is a testament to EET Fuels' commitment to environmental sustainability. The project will enable fuel switching to assets like EET Fuels' hydrogen-ready crude distiller furnace, a first of its kind installed in any UK refinery. This furnace is capable of running on 100 per cent hydrogen or a fuel-gas mix. Once operational, it is expected to reduce emissions at the Stanlow Refinery by 0.2 million tonnes per year. The project's progression is a clear indication of the company's momentum towards achieving its target of reducing CO2 emissions at the Stanlow Refinery by 95 per cent by 2030.

In conclusion, the Hydrogen Fuel Switching project is a significant step towards a greener future, not just for the UK, but for the global energy sector. It serves as a beacon of innovation and sustainability, demonstrating the potential of hydrogen as a viable, low-carbon alternative to traditional fuels. As the project progresses, it will undoubtedly inspire further advancements in the field of renewable energy and contribute to the global transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy sector.